S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 |
Balance and agility of team games and individual sports persons: A comparative study
Harish R, PC Krishnaswamy
Int. J. Physiol. Sports Phys. Educ., 2020; 2(1): 01-02
2 |
Comparitive study on body mass index between college level men volleyball and basketball players
Sanjay Kumar S
Int. J. Physiol. Sports Phys. Educ., 2020; 2(1): 03-04
3 |
Analysis of ball velocity for different groups of positional soccer players
Md. Yeasir Arafat, Jannatul Ferdaus Rickta, Fatima Tus Johora Mukta
Int. J. Physiol. Sports Phys. Educ., 2020; 2(1): 05-07
4 |
Psychological skills training for managing anxiety and better performance in elite athletes: A review
Mullai S, Narkeesh A, Jeyaraj D Pandian
Int. J. Physiol. Sports Phys. Educ., 2020; 2(1): 08-14
5 |
Study of physical preparedness of students of Ukrainian state university of railway transport
Grynko V, Kudelko V
Int. J. Physiol. Sports Phys. Educ., 2020; 2(1): 15-18
6 |
Adaptation to Portuguese of an attitude´s instrument to sports competitions: A pilot study
Vinicius Barroso Hirota, Carlos Eduardo Lopes Verardi, Marcelo Rodrigues da Cunha, André Rinaldi Fukushima, Leandro Yanase, Jeferson Santana
Int. J. Physiol. Sports Phys. Educ., 2020; 2(1): 19-21
7 |
Evaluation of mid day meal programme in schools of Varanasi
Rakesh Kumar Yadav
Int. J. Physiol. Sports Phys. Educ., 2020; 2(1): 22-25