Neelam Goyal and Dr. Moradhvaj Singh
Background: The primary objective of this research is to employ discriminant analysis to uncover the discriminative variables that distinguish between high and low performing district-level volleyball players.
Objectives of the Study: 1) to characterize the level of anthropometric, functional and volleyball skill of volleyball players on the basis of high and low performance.2) to develop discriminate model for classifying a District level Volleyball Players into High or low – performance categories.
Materials and methods: In this study 74 male District level volleyball players from various volleyball academies were selected, their age ranging between19-25 year, all were selected by using purposive sampling. These selected subjects had been alienated in to two group i.e. high and low performance group. Anthropometrical variables were measured by anthropometric kit, General volley pass playing ability, serving skill, passing skill and AAHPER serving test Numerical was measured by Brady’s wall volleying test, AAHPER passing test, AAHPER set up test and AAHPER serving test respectively. Leg Explosive Power, Shoulder Strength, Agility, Abdominal strength measured Standing broad Jump, Medicine ball throw Distance, 10x4 shuttle run, Sit up respectively.
Results: Box’s M test value is.002 is not significant it means that the assumption of homogeneity of variance/covariance matrices is not violated. Canonical correlations of function 1 is.757 indicates 57.3% (=.757) of the variation in the two different group. Wilks' Lambda value is.434 which indicates the model is good as only 43.4% in function 1 variability is not explained by the model. The value of chi square is 4.893 shows the significance of Wilks Lambda. Group means for high and low group means are.262 and -.262 which are group centroid. (66.2%) cases were correctly classified by the model which is quite high, therefore the model can be considered as valid.
Conclusions: Discriminant function for the District level volleyball players on the basis of the performance (High and Low) is Z= -37.755 + 20.026× (Height of District Level Volley ballers).
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