Satyanarayana LH and Dr. Shivamurthy A
Core stability has been studied for more than 40 years and has become fundamental to training programmes for performance enhancement in diverse sporting codes. Since the early 1980s, core training, especially core stability training, has been the subject of many studies. However, the two fundamental concepts of core strength and core stability have generally not been distinguished. The proposed protection against injury and improved athletic performance from core stability training has been the subject of many research studies and review papers. Research on core stability exercise programmes and the associated improvement of athletic performance is limited. While studies demonstrated the positive effect of core training on the physical strength of athletes, they show different results regarding the effect on sport-specific performance. The purpose of the present investigation was to explore the association between core muscle stability and performance parameters of sportspersons at college level. The subjects for the present investigation were 41 male inter college level sportspersons from various colleges of Shivamogga District, Karnataka. The core muscle stability was assessed through 3 tests by McGill’s torso muscular endurance test battery (McGill, 2015) [17]. Trunk Flexor Endurance Test, Trunk Lateral Endurance Test and Trunk Extensor Endurance Test. The performance parameters were assessed through following tests given in table 2. The skill related physical fitness parameters selected in the study was assessed through standardized tests. The skill levels of sportspersons was assessed through skill tests given below for different games. The sports achievement was assessed through points awarding system developed for this purpose. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationship between core muscle strength and selected performance parameters. The core muscle ability of inter collegiate level sportspersons is not significantly related to selected performance parameters under investigation.
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